Grants For Teachers

The application period for 2024 Grants for Teachers is now closed.


Redlands Educational Partnership awarded $71,500 through our 2024-2025 Grants for Teachers program. 

This is a small sampling of the grants awarded to RUSD educators: 

Teachers at Moore are banding together to fund the school’s first science lab!  Third graders at Mariposa will learn about electricity and 200 different types of circuits with Snap Circuit Kits.  The AVID class at RHS visits four 4-year universities each year but this year they plan to add field trips to Junior Colleges too.  RHS AVID understands not every student, for a variety of reasons, can go from high school to university; exposure to a Junior College may be exactly what they need to navigate their future.   

Orangewood students will be traveling to the Cheech Center of Chicano Art & Culture and the Riverside Art Museum.  They will explore various cultural art exhibits and participate in an art class at the Cheech Center.  Grant funds at RHS are going towards replacing 30-year-old lab equipment for AP Physics, Honors Physics and General Physics.   

REV is also putting Grant funds towards their LED dance floor for their annual REV PossAbilities Prom!  This annual prom brings together more than 250 students in May and is an inclusive event for REV’s moderate/severe special education students.  The PossAbilities Prom provides a safe, accessible, sensory and social experience for students who may not otherwise be able to attend their high school prom.  The students are buddied up with general ed students and they interact, talk to each other, learn from each other, dance and have fun together! 




This year Jack Barton, owner of Mathnasium of Redlands, graciously sponsored four $500 Math Grants for teachers in Redlands Unified School District.  Jack’s eagerness to share his love of Math with Redlands’ students led to his partnering with REP and supporting our Math teachers.  Each recipient will use their funding to choose the materials needed in their classrooms to further grow and foster an understanding of Math and its application in everyday life situations from simple to complex.  Thank you very much, Jack and Mathnasium of Redlands!  And the winners are…

From Arroyo Verde Elementary School, Karly Brannen teaches Transitional Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and 1st Special Day Class.  Karly will use her Mathnasium Grant to help build centers for Math within her classroom.  She plans to purchase grade level materials that will help students improve their fine motor skills while learning and achieving their individual goals.  Karly is confident these items will help to gain her students’ attention while they work on fine motor skills, fulfill their sensory needs, learn about Math, and have fun!

From Citrus Valley High School, Alessandra Libao teaches Math 2, Math 2 Honors and Math 3 to students in grades 9th through 12th.  Alessandra plans to purchase TI-84 Plus CE Calculators.  She intends to loan these calculators throughout the school year to students, particularly those students who cannot afford their own calculator, to support their Advanced Placement and Honors coursework.  Alessandra’s goal is to ensure that all students have access to the resources necessary to succeed, especially in advanced coursework where graphing calculators are essential.

Caitlin Sullivan hails from Bryn Mawr Elementary School where she teaches 1st grade.  Caitlin is an experienced teacher, but she is new to Redlands Unified School District.  She plans to obtain Math materials, specifically hands-on manipulatives.  She is eager to purchase a class set of dominos, write and wipe math boards, plastic coins, linking cubes, reusable write and wipe sheet protectors, and addition and subtraction games.  She believes that having these fun manipulatives in the classroom will increase her ability to make math engaging and collaborative, as well as enabling her to teach her students Math in small groups.

Charlotte TerBest teaches Specialized Academic Instruction at Franklin Elementary School.  She runs small group instruction for students with special education services and many of her students struggle with Math concepts.  Charlotte plans to use her Mathnasium Grant to buy Math manipulatives and intervention curriculum.  The manipulatives she has chosen include fraction models, clocks, linking cubes, ten frames, and counters.  To address intervention curriculum needs, she plans to purchase task cards, workbooks, and other materials to support instruction her students are receiving in the classroom.

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